About Us

No matter how much you read or how many antenatal classes you go to nothing can prepare you for the pain and exhaustion you feel when you become a mother.

My name is Maryam and I am the founder of Nabaya, a breast feeding clothing brand, it is also a platform to inspire mothers to breast feed in public and make them feel beautiful.

Breast feeding is still a taboo subject in many cultures, especially in my south asian culture, its looked down upon to feed in public even if you are covered. I want to normalise this and make mothers feel comfortable with feeding anywhere.

My breast feeding journey hasn’t always been easy, after a forceps birth, I had an episiotomy and 4th degree stitching. I couldn’t sit down properly for 3 months. At the start breast feeding was very painful. Most of the time I needed to either feed standing up or lying down. I cried many night and it took my baby getting jaundiced to motivate me to continue my breast feeding journey. Thankfully I pushed and kept it up. Because I have learnt to love it. It is a beautiful natural thing which has allowed me to create an amazing bond with my son and this has lead me to start Nabaya.